12 Week Bench PR Program


Strength Therapy’s 12-week Bench PR Program includes 8 straight weeks of strength accumulation and 4 weeks of tapering. The bench press, dip/weighted dip, and standing press are the only 3 exercises included in this program. You can expect rep ranges to vary session by session and week by week. This program can be used with RPE or percentage of 1rm method. Both methods are outlined in the spread sheet. This is the exact program that Chase followed to take his Bench from 165kg/363lb to 180kg/396lb in just 12 weeks. For best results you should drop your other lifts down to a maintenance level. You should consider dropping your squats down to once per week and the same for your deadlifts. This program only includes bench press and other relevant assistance exercises. It is not a complete strength training program.

For any questions not answered in the 3-page FAQ included in this program please email: strengththerapytexas@gmail.com

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Strength Therapy’s 12-week Bench PR Program includes 8 straight weeks of strength accumulation and 4 weeks of tapering. The bench press, dip/weighted dip, and standing press are the only 3 exercises included in this program. You can expect rep ranges to vary session by session and week by week. This program can be used with RPE or percentage of 1rm method. Both methods are outlined in the spread sheet. This is the exact program that Chase followed to take his Bench from 165kg/363lb to 180kg/396lb in just 12 weeks. For best results you should drop your other lifts down to a maintenance level. You should consider dropping your squats down to once per week and the same for your deadlifts. This program only includes bench press and other relevant assistance exercises. It is not a complete strength training program.

For any questions not answered in the 3-page FAQ included in this program please email: strengththerapytexas@gmail.com

Strength Therapy’s 12-week Bench PR Program includes 8 straight weeks of strength accumulation and 4 weeks of tapering. The bench press, dip/weighted dip, and standing press are the only 3 exercises included in this program. You can expect rep ranges to vary session by session and week by week. This program can be used with RPE or percentage of 1rm method. Both methods are outlined in the spread sheet. This is the exact program that Chase followed to take his Bench from 165kg/363lb to 180kg/396lb in just 12 weeks. For best results you should drop your other lifts down to a maintenance level. You should consider dropping your squats down to once per week and the same for your deadlifts. This program only includes bench press and other relevant assistance exercises. It is not a complete strength training program.

For any questions not answered in the 3-page FAQ included in this program please email: strengththerapytexas@gmail.com

Who this program is for:

We created this program for the lifters out there who are confident in their execution of the movements and motivated to be in the gym at least 3 days per week. If you are a lifter who loves to be in the gym, loves to train with barbells, but can’t seem to bust through your Bench Press plateau, this program is for you. The goal of this program is to give somebody like you a road map to the Bench Press gains you may be leaving on the table and to serve as a platform from which you can structure your future training programs. Whether you’re looking to compete in a powerlifting meet or you just want to hit a gym PR, we are confident this program will get you there. If you’re ready to work but just need a sense of direction, this is for you. 

What this program does not provide:

If you have never been taught how to properly execute the main movements (squat, press, bench, deadlift, etc) and you know your technique needs improvement then you may want to spend some resources getting proficient in that area. Perhaps hire us to work with you one on one just to help you move more efficiently before investing in a program. This program does include short clips for reference on technique but that is no substitute for coaching. This program does not take into account specific weaknesses or injuries that could vary lifter to lifter. Ultimately this program is only a general blueprint or example of how to structure your training when preparing to increase your 1 rep max in the squat, bench, and deadlift. This is a strength training program designed to make you a stronger human not for bodybuilders or people who wish to train for aesthetics.

10 Week Meet Prep Men's Intermidiate level
Warm-up guide